Technology in PE

Heart Rate Quiz on Quizizz


Quizizz is a website that allows teachers to create quizzes in order to assess students. Teachers can also use other quizzes that are already published.

Quizizz supports meaningful learning because it engages the students. Students can work at their own pace and they can create games. This website truly makes learning fun.

Quizizz will be used in lesson 4 after the teacher’s instruction on heart rate in order to check for understanding.

I chose Quizizz because it is something new and exciting for my students because I have never used it in my classes. I think the students will put more effort into their quiz because it’s online and not on paper. I will use this to check for understanding after I teach the students about heart rate.

  • Free
  • Can be used on the computer, iPad, or any mobile device
  • Fun
  • Engaging
  • Can be used for all ages
  • Teachers can’t create open response questions.
  • The students can accidentally click the wrong answer.


About the PE Shake App

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Pe Shake App

The Pe Shake App is a mobile app that is used for new warm up routines and games in Pe classes.

The Pe Shake App supports meaningful learning because it can be used by student to choose which game they want to warm up to in class. The class captain can be in charge of picking the game. This app makes it possible for the students to be excited and motivated to warm up because the routine will vary day to day.

The Pe Shake App will be introduced in lesson 2 because the students are learning about the importance of warming up and cooling down in lesson 1. The students create warm up routines in lesson 1 so it is appropriate to introduce this app in lesson 2.

I chose the Pe Shake App because it has good reviews, it is something new, and it allows for the warm up routine to be changed often to prevent students from getting bored. This app will be used when the class needs a new warm up routine. It will also be used as a reward and time filler when needed.

  • 100 Pe warm up games
  • Easy to set up
  • Minimal equipment
  • Suited for primary and secondary aged students
  • Can be used as a reward game or as a time filler


About iMovie

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iMovie is a mobile app that allows you to create videos and edit them on Apple products.

iMovie supports meaningful learning because it is student centered. It allows students to take an active role in their education which makes them more engaged. This gives the teacher an opportunity to “coach” them through their learning.

Lesson 1: After creating three warm up routines, students will work with a partner and share their routines. Together, the partners will pick 1 routine and make a video of it using iMovie.

I chose iMovie because the majority of the students have access to it on their cellphones. The ones who don’t will be able to use the iPads from the school’s media center. This is a great tool for the students to collaborate with their peers and turn their routines into videos. The videos will then be used for the warm up routines for the remainder of the school year.

  • Supports improved physical fitness
  • Develop and improve motor skill performance
  • Fun and motivational for students
  • Easy to use
  • Audio can be added
  • Text can be added
  • Transitions vary
  • Free to download
  • You can only add 18 clips
  • Not all music from iTunes can be used due to copyright laws.
  • Pictures online may show up blurry
  • Videos can’t be manipulated once they are exported.